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The reason all of us get excited about innovation and components is that we truly believe cycling can change the world and improve people’s lives. Simply riding a bike is a low cost environmental, healthy mobility solution that is loaded with adventure and joy. 

The Cycling Fund is where SRAM moves beyond product and innovation into the places you ride. 

SRAM is proud to partner with five of the top advocacy groups in Europe and North America to work with government, non-profits, and businesses dedicated to seeing cycling thrive.  


IMBA’s superpower is making trail building happen. Check out the More Trails Close to Home video. Need some tools to develop your trail idea? 

Join the movement and stay on top of the latest US advocacy. Find out how your city’s bike network can be improved through the Bicycle Network Analysis. 

ADFC (German National Cycling Club) 

ADFC startet Mitmach-Kampagne #MehrPlatzFürsRad. Das Ziel der bundesweiten Kampagne ist: Mehr Platz fürs Rad – für gute Radwege, sichere Kreuzungen und viel mehr Fahrradparkplätze. Mehr auch auf www.mehrplatzfuersrad.de. 

Connect to the 22 national mountain bike orgs that are part of IMBA Europe. Grab a shovel and Take Care of Your Trails. 

Connect to national cycling groups across Europe. Help us win €6 billion in EU Funding for Cycling!  SRAM supports ECF through Cycling Industries Europe, the voice of cycling business in Europe. 


SRAM currently invests over US$1million per year in North America and Europe, mostly through the five groups above. The focus is on projects that advocate for public investment in every day,  mountain bike, and road cycling. The big money for trails and cycling infrastructure is found in public funding. SRAM leads the cycling industry towards increased public funding through the most effective strategies through the most effective advocacy groups. 

If you’re a local group looking for funding, we encourage you to connect with our partner groups above. We’re funding special efforts by our partner groups to help local groups raise money for trails, bike parks, and protected bikeway networks. If you’re doing work making these happen and not getting the help you need to succeed, let’s talk. Contact Randy Neufeld, SRAM Cycling Fund Director at [email protected].